02 Nov 2020

One True God!!!


The False gods & idols of the World blind the hearts of many. The Truth Of Gods Word & The Light Of The Holy Spirit Renews Our Hearts In Christ Jesus Our Lord & Saviour To The Glory Of Abba Father. 

“Our Hearts Must Return To Our First Love; Yeshua”

Remember Josephs Name Was Changed By Egypt & Pharaoh= Consider god on Earth Daniels Name Was Changed By Babylon & Nebuchadnezzar=king of kingsYet both Joseph & Daniels hearts where set apart For The God Of Israel, The God Of Abraham, Isaac & Jacob. For Abba Father, Yeshua The True God-Man & King Of Kings In The Power Of The Holy SpiritThough Their Names May Have Been Changed, Their Hearts Where For The Glory Of The Lord. Their Gentle Names Where A Manifestation Of Their Duty On Earth. 

Joseph = Hebrew= He Will Add

Zaphnath-Paaneah=Egyptian Name= One Who Discovers Hidden Things

Daniel= Hebrew= God Is My Judge

Belteshazzar= Chaldean/Babylonian Name= Protect The Life Of The King

Both Given Insight & Discernment Beacuse God Was With Them!!!

The One True God!!! Jacob Prasch & VOTV