“You will be hated by all because of My name, but it is the one who has endured to the end who will be saved. Matthew 10:22
From Teerth Sond Minister Of The Fellowship Of Servants & Co-Founder Of VOTV
25 For I do not want you, brethren, to be uninformed of this mystery—so that you will not be wise in your own estimation—that a partial hardening has happened to Israel until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in; 26 and so all Israel will be saved; just as it is written, “The Deliverer will come from Zion, He will remove ungodliness from Jacob.” Romans 11:25-26
The Fellowship Of Servants/VOTV have been meeting at The Pond Lane Mission Hall in Wolverhampton for the past 12-13 years, the building is owned by the Church of England. prior to using the hall we fellowshipped in a house. Brethren came together after they left churches that endorsed the prosperity gospel, false teachers and false movements. we began meeting at home fellowships then decided to meet at the Pond Lane Mission Hall due to the fellowship growing. We had the go ahead from the halls throughout our time at the hall we maintained the hall to a high standard, set up direct debit, we where the perfect tenant, governors.
We had many preachers such as Jacob Prasch, Cyril Baker, Edward Malcolm, Calvin Smith, Barnabas Fund, etc. visit the hall. In September 2019 we got a surprise visit from the Vicar of Saint Luke’s, the overseers of the hall. The message shared that Sunday was based on how in 1290, the entire Jewish population of England (about 3,000 people) was expelled from the country on the orders of Edward and how Oliver Cromwell brought back the Jews to England in the 1660s, how The Lord Blessed Britain and how Britain declined because the church no longer stood upon the Word Of God. After Richard the Vicar visited, he spoke to myself Teerth and stated we where not allowed to use the hall anymore, that we didn’t fit into the Church Of England agenda.
This Is What He Emailed Us:
It is simply because of the Canons that restrict the use of consecrated Church of England buildings. And because the Church of England is the Established Church these Canons are approved by Parliament and have the force of law, which means that the PCC of St Luke’s is obliged to comply with them.
Response to your request for an extension until the end of the year I contacted the Diocesan legal department, but unfortunately the advice we have received is that the PCC of St Luke’s is not able to offer this, and so (as per my email on 12th September) your last Sunday at Pond Lane Mission remains as 13th October 2019.
After we received the confirmation that we could no longer use the hall any more, we found out during our stay at the hall and the many messages taught that we where being monitored and private meetings where being held by a board to remove us from the hall indefinitely. we further investigated the real reason why we where told to leave & to our shock we where told categorically “it’s because you support Israel. because you stand with the view that Israel is given to the Jews.” stated the keeper of the hall. He further stated that he and the church council stand with the Palestinians and that their believe was that they support Palestine. that the church council where adamant to get us out and that they would never change their mind.
Myself & other church members stood as he showed much hatred & venom towards Israel & the Jews. “we all had a meeting and we have decided that you cannot fellowship in the hall any more”! he stated passionately.
VOTV Have Always Prayed Not Only For The Salvation Of Israel, But Also For All The Arab Nations & All Nations Across The Globe. Jesus Christ Died & Was Risen To Save All Who Call & Believe In Him.
today the hall stands empty, the Church Of England would rather have a empty building than true believers loving the Lord and worshipping in spirit & truth. The Fellowshipcontinues to meet and we recently have found an independent hall that has no attachment to any denomination or government run church buildings.
We Thank Abba Father, Through Yeshua Our Lord & Saviour By The Power Of The Holy Spirit Who Leads And Builds Us Up.
We Thank Moriel, Jacob & fellow brethren for their prays. I confronted the vicar and clearly asked him to remove his dog collar & ask God what they did was of him or not!!!!
On The Wall In The Pond Lane Mission Hall Hangs The Scripture
Luke 10:27
We all need to love the Lord in Spirit & truth. God’s love is interwoven with the truth of his word. His word is Yeshua and we where told to leave because we all at VOTV stand upon the rock of our salvation Christ Jesus to the glory of god the father in the power of the Holy Spirit.
Many Blessings In Yeshua